Reverse Lookup 3.3.4 Released

Reverse Lookup and Reverse Lookup PLUS v3.3.4 is now going live in the Google Play Store This release addresses an issue that caused incoming call notifications to fail for some pre-Oreo users. In addition to this, the app received various background optimizations and a slightly smaller overall file size. This…

Reverse Lookup 3.3.2 – Important bugfix

Hey all – just a quick note.. after releasing version 3.3.1 over the weekend, we noticed a bug that was causing crashes at launch for a lot of users. We’ve just pushed out version 3.3.2 on the Google Play Store which should solve this issue, so please be sure to…

Reverse Lookup v3.3.x Going Live

Hi! Today we’re beginning to launch Reverse Lookup 3.3 on the Google Play Store. All users should start receiving this update today. Although the update is fairly substantial, most of the changes are behind the scenes and most existing users won’t see a difference in their day to day use….

GDPR Update

As you may know, the European GDPR law goes live today and we’ve spent some time considering the best way to handle it. Due to the complexity of the law, we have made the decision to cease distribution of our games in European countries for the time being. We will…