Caller information for 702-084-3875

Here's what we found for the phone number 702-084-3875. Based on the 702 area code, this is a phone number from Nevada.

Caller Name: Reported Telemarketer

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Live person caller rang my unlisted number, addressed me by my first name, said he was with Matthews Survey, and admitted he was with a telephone calling company that does political surveys. In response to my further questions, he said that he did not know how his company got my name and my unlisted phone number; hedged from answering whether the call to me had been generated by a robo-dialer; said he was working out of Colorado -- so it may have been a spoofed Caller ID, because websites say this number is located in Nevada; absolutely refused to tell me the name of the company he works for (reason given was that his employer strictly ordered him not to do that because it was a political survey and that information might affect people's answers); said that he would remove my number from his company's phone list; and said that his questions were going to relate to whether I was going to vote in any upcoming primary election and if so, which party's primary I was planning to vote in. I am located in Oklahoma.

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