Beta for Reverse Lookup 2.6 Now Available

The next update to Reverse Lookup contains a lot of changes, and we wanted to be sure we test it a little more thoroughly than usual before releasing it to the Play Store.

..So we’re happy to announce that the first Beta will be available within the next few hours.

Want to try it out early? All you have to do is join our beta tester Google Group and then follow this link to opt-in:

Keep in mind that the point of this test is to see what works and what doesn’t, and while we’re already pretty happy with the stability of the app, there’s always the possibility to encounter bugs. So please bear with us and let us know if something in the app breaks so we can fix it before launch.

We’re expecting to move forward rapidly from this point, so expect another update or two in the beta channel before we launch. We’re primarily working on aesthetics and general UX from here on out, but of course we’ll be trying to eliminate any bugs we discover as well.

Oh, one last thing.. this is a completely open beta so please feel free to share those links with anyone who may be interested.
