Author Archives: admin

GDPR Update

As you may know, the European GDPR law goes live today and we’ve spent some time considering the best way to handle it. Due to the complexity of the law, we have made the decision to cease distribution of our games in European countries for the time being. We will revisit this decision in the future if market factors allow.

Please note that Reverse Lookup and Reverse Lookup PLUS were never available in Europe, nor do they work for non-US phone numbers. However, in order to be extra safe, we have updated Reverse Lookup such that a theoretical European user would have the ability to review and manage how their user data is handled. This update is part of Reverse Lookup 3.3, rolling out to all users today.

Users can also review our privacy policy if there are any questions about how your data is used.


Reverse Lookup / Reverse Lookup PLUS v3.2 Now Live

Reverse Lookup and Reverse Lookup PLUS v3.2 for Android are now LIVE in the Google Play Store.

Along with various bugfixes and aesthetic updates(sharper menu icons for high res devices), this version also adds a Search History screen that will allow you to recall previous searches made with the app. This is a long overdue feature that many of you have asked for, so we hope you’ll find it useful. You can access the new screen from the main slide out menu on the main screen.

Thanks again for using the app and as always please feel free to reach out if you have any issues, questions, or other feedback.



2018 Reverse Lookup Roadmap

Hello everyone. We hope the beginning of 2018 has been great for you, and we’re sorry for the lack of updates to social media.

We’ve been busy here, pushing out numerous small updates for Reverse Lookup and Reverse Lookup PLUS, the latest of which is beginning to roll out now and will probably be complete by the end of next week.

Looking forward, we’re currently working on an update that contains a feature we’ve been getting a ton of requests for. We’ll leave you with that teaser for now, but it shouldn’t be very long before we’re able to push that to all of you.

Later in the year, we’ll be updating the app to run on the latest Android runtime versions.. this is a background change and probably won’t affect your usage very much, but it’s a step that’s sorely overdue and will make things easier for us moving forward.

We do have one other big plan for the year, and that’s to experiment with what could be one of the biggest single features we’ve ever included. We’re not sure if it’s really feasible so no promises or hints on that yet, but we’ll update when we can.

In addition to all of this, you can look forward to the usual small bug fixes and also background updates to our service that we’ve always done.

As always, thanks again for using the app, and feel free to reach out if you have comments, questions, or any other type of feedback.


Reverse Lookup update resumed

Hey everyone, we’ve resolved the earlier issues with the new update for Reverse Lookup and have continued our rollout on the Google Play Store. Everyone should have it by Christmas barring any unexpected issues. Have a great weekend!


Reverse Lookup Update Halted

Hey everyone – small update. We’re seeing a new crash introduced in this latest update, so we’ve halted it for now. We’re working on a fix and expect to resume rollout by this weekend. If you have already received the update and are experiencing crashing, please delete the app and redownload it from the Google Play Store- you will be served the previous version. Sorry for the inconvenience!


Reverse Lookup 3.1.22 Change Log and Release Info

As we wind down another great year and get ready for the holiday season, we’re ready to push out one last update to Reverse Lookup and Reverse Lookup PLUS. This is version 3.1.22 and features some small but long overdue tweaks to the main call log screen. Here’s a brief overview of what was added or changed:

reverse lookup for android

“Friendly” Dates

Previous versions of the app displayed more date information than you probably cared to see, all the way down to the microsecond that the call came in. This caused more clutter than necessary, so we’ve switched to using friendlier date formats. For more recent calls, you’ll see relative dates like “Today”, “Yesterday”, or the day of the week. If a call is a few days old, you’ll see the full date. In either case, you’ll always see the time of the call, but no more microseconds. We apologize in advance to all microsecond enthusiasts.

One-Tap Return To Top

If you’re the type of person that keeps a long call log, it can be pretty tedious to navigate back to the top of the list once you’ve gotten close to the bottom. No more. Just tap on the app’s title bar and back to the top you go.




Call Frequency Indication

In order to reduce clutter, Reverse Lookup has never listed duplicate calls from the same number. This was great for keeping a tidy list, but we’ve come to discover that identifying nuisance calls is easier when you can see how many times a number is calling. The app will still only list each caller once, but now you’ll see an indicator that shows the number of times their number is listed in your call log. This will be displayed next to the call date(if applicable).


Improved Loading And Reloading

Depending on the speed of your phone, this change may be less noticeable, but the main call log screen is now loaded more efficiently, which should provide for a smoother launch of the app. The refresh function also benefits from this improvement.


That’s all for this version, and we’re rolling out starting now on the Google Play Store. This will be a slow rollout, so please look forward to receiving it within the next 2 weeks or so.

As always, thank you to all of our users. Your continued support makes these updates possible, and for that we’re extremely grateful.


Reverse Lookup 3.1.20 Now Live

Happy Labor Day!

The latest version of Reverse Lookup, 3.1.20 is now at 100% distribution through the Google Play Store. All users should be able to grab the update within the next few hours.

This rollout began a few days ago, so if you’ve received an update earlier this week, you’re probably already running the latest version.

This release fixes a few bugs and further improves search results. Reverse Lookup PLUS is expected to receive it’s equivalent update within the next few days.

Thanks, and please shoot us an email if you have any issues or questions.


Reverse Lookup Update Rollout Complete

Just a quick note to let everyone know that the previously announced update for Reverse Lookup is now going live for all users, so if you have not received the update in the past couple weeks, you should see it available on the Play Store starting in the next few hours.

We’re also going to be releasing a followup update in the next 2 weeks to further improve search results. PLUS users will receive both updates rolled into one on both Google Play and Amazon Appstore. Stay tuned for updates on this next update, and as usual please let us know if you have any questions.


Reverse Lookup Garbled Search Results

UPDATE: The issue has been resolved and an update is now available in the Play Store.

Original Post:

We’re aware of an issue that is currently causing Reverse Lookup and Reverse Lookup PLUS to return a small amount of search results with garbled information. We are working to resolve the issue as soon as possible.

We apologize for any inconvenience and will update when the issues are resolved.
