
Missing calls in Reverse Lookup? Read this!

Short version: If you have a Google Pixel device, you may need to go into Reverse Lookup’s settings, and enable “List known callers” to see your recent calls in the app.

Long version: Over the past few weeks, we’ve had sporadic reports of users with missing calls on the main call log screen in Reverse Lookup. After some investigation, we realized that in all but one case, the users with this issue were using Google Pixel devices.

After obtaining our own Pixel device to test with, we realized that Google’s proprietary dialer app is now labeling most or all calls as they come and go(in some cases, it’s even labeling them with a blank label!). Traditionally, an Android device would only label calls from known contacts, even if some other caller ID service was being used. Because these calls are now labeled, the app sees them as known callers, and, by default, does not show them.

Luckily, the fix to this is extremely simple and already exists in all recent versions of Reverse Lookup. On the main screen of the app, open the menu to access the app settings, and enable “List known callers”.

After you enable this setting, you should see that all of your recent calls are visible once again. We are also pushing an update to the app that will fix the appearance of calls that have received a blank label. That update should be available to all free and paid users beginning this week, with a rollout lasting up to a week.

As always, thanks again for using the app, and please feel free to reach out if you have any questions.


How To Remap Your Samsung Bixby button

As a followup to the release of our simple Flashlight Toggle app for Bixby, this is a quick overview of how to remap the Bixby button on your device to launch an app of your choice(may we suggest Flashlight Toggle?)

Compatible Devices

As of this writing, this method is applicable to the following devices:

  • Samsung Galaxy S8 / Samsung Galaxy S8+ / Samsung Note 8
  • Samsung Galaxy S9 / Samsung Galaxy S9+ / Samsung Note 9
  • Samsung Galaxy S10 / Samsung Galaxy S10+ / Samsung Galaxy S10e

This will also likely work with the Samsung Galaxy Note 10 upon release.

Step By Step

  1. Go into your device’s settings
  2. Press the magnifying glass icon to search for “Bixby” and select “Bixby key” when it appears as an option.
  3. Tap on “Bixby Key”
  4. Choose “Double press to open Bixby”
  5. Toggle ON “Use single press”. The device will present a list of apps on your phone, choose the one you’d like to launch when pressing the Bixby key.

Video Instructions
